10 of the Best Coursera Courses to Study in 2022

Coursera's best courses, recommended to take in 2022, based on job market trends and jobs of the future.


Fast forward to the year, and many people who have vowed to focus on career development and acquiring the skills that businesses demand today are looking for those skills needed to thrive in the workforce in 2021, and make a difference in Life sheet.

According to World Economic Forum (WEF) Future of Jobs ReportTech skills will be in high demand across all industries. In particular, skills related to data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing will be sought after in the coming years, along with business and soft skills such as analytical thinking and creativity.


The Future of Jobs Report 2020 is the result of extensive collaboration between the World Economic Forum and its partners contributing regional surveys. Different organizations, from the United States and in countries such as Argentina, India, Switzerland, South Africa, Mexico, Japan, United Kingdom, among others, participated in this report.

Other important collaborators in this study are the Global Future Council on the New Education and Work Agenda providing their intellectual leadership and strategic guidance on the Education 4.0 framework and the Schools of the Future campaign.

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Some of the most outstanding findings of the World Economic Forum report for the year 2020 were:

  • It is expected that the rate of adoption of some technologies will not stop and on the contrary tend to accelerate, in areas such as Cloud Computing, Big Data and e-commerce, closely followed by encryption and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Automation, in conjunction with the COVID-19 recession, is creating a “double disruption” scenario for workers. The economic contraction and lockdowns stemming from the pandemic crisis have created a scenario that will stimulate technology adoption and transformation, including the need for new skills, in jobs as close as 2025.
  • The future of work has already arrived for a vast majority of the online workforce. 84% of employers say they are preparing to rapidly digitize work processes, including a significant expansion of remote work, with the potential to move 44% of their workforce to operate remotely, permanently.
  • Online learning and training is on the rise, but still looks different for workers, lagging behind, with only 42% of employees taking advantage of employer-sponsored or employer-sponsored upskilling and upskilling opportunities.

These are just some of the findings of this most recent report from the World Economic Forum, which perhaps neither Harari (XXI Lessons for the XXI Century, Homo Deus, From Animals to Gods), in his wildest dreams he imagined that the world would live, especially so quickly.


From the pandemic, not only is the way in which it affected our society a reality, but it has literally given the world a push to take more decisive steps towards a future that was more distant and that is now literally 5 years away. .



Although more and more, there is a business culture in which human capital and its maximum and immaterial value for the business, goes from a nice speech, to a policy focused on concrete support, with training and acquisition of the skills that demanded by the market, financed by the organization, the truth is that an employee will not always find himself in that ideal scenario.

But the fact that the company does not pay for the training is no excuse for a professional not to have as a priority to acquire those skills that his work demands or will demand very soon. With low-cost options, high academic standards, and support from educational institutions or partners world-renowned technology companies, an e-Learning platform like Coursera is a resource available and accessible to anyone.

With this in mind, from Coursera, they send us a selection of the best Coursera courses, within their catalog of courses of high academic value, with which you can start studies in those areas of high demand, current and short term. Our goal, and Coursera's, is always to help students stay professionally competitive in 2021 and beyond.



We leave you with the courses that the e-Learning platform itself suggests, as those that someone looking to update their knowledge, with skills that are currently in high demand, should consider in 2021.


Category: Business Strategy -- Developed By: DeepLearning.AI

AI is not just for engineers. This course is ideal for non-engineering professionals who work in companies that work with Artificial Intelligence and wish to expand their knowledge of this field.

Category: Data Analysis -- Developed by: University of California UC Davis

Course included in:


This course gives you context and first-hand experience with the two main catalysts of the computational science revolution: big data and artificial intelligence.

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Category: Personal Development -- Developed By: University of Minnesota

Course included in:


This course will help you understand the role of creativity and innovation in your own work and in other disciplines. It will challenge you to get out of your existing comfort zone and recognize the value of that exploration.

Category: Data Analysis -- Developed By: PricewaterhouseCoopers

In this course, you will get an introduction to data analysis and its role in business decisions. You will learn why data is important and how it has evolved. You will be introduced to “Big Data” and how it is used.


Category: Leadership and Management -- Developed by: GitLab

This course is ideal for today's managers, executives, and HR professionals who want to learn how to lead and support a high-functioning, scalable remote team. Powered by one of the world's largest 100% remote companies.

Category: Cloud Computing -- Developed by: IBM

This course introduces you to the basics of cloud computing. You gain the basic knowledge needed to understand cloud computing from a business perspective and also to become a cloud professional.

Category: Software Development -- Developed By: University of Michigan

Course included in:


This course aims to teach everyone the basics of computer programming using Python. We cover the basics of how to build a program from a series of simple Python statements. The course has no prerequisites and avoids all but the simplest math.

Category: Marketing -- Developed By: University of Pennsylvania

Course included in:


This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective in marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You will learn to make ideas stick.

Category: Business Fundamentals -- Developed By: University of California, Irvine

Course included in:


You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization, and commitment, and use the tools, methods, and techniques you have learned in goal setting, prioritizing, scheduling, and delegating to overcome the challenges of time management and improve productivity.

Category: Business Fundamentals -- Developed By: McMaster University and University of California, San Diego

Course included in:


This course gives you easy access to invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. You will learn how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information.

fabian mendoza

fabian mendoza

Digital Marketing specialist and higher education expert, Fabian Mendoza has dedicated more than a decade to transforming the teaching landscape. With a significant track record in student retention for dozens of universities in his native Colombia, Fabian has played a crucial role in developing strategies that maintain student interest and engagement in virtual environments. Currently, in his work with AulaPro, he has guided thousands of visitors in the search for online courses and programs that enhance his professional skills. His contribution has been essential to making online education an accessible and relevant option for a global audience.

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