If you are thinking of studying Software Engineering, at AulaPro the universities tell us their #WeightReasons, why you should decide to study the undergraduate of your dreams.
Leading universities in Colombia offer their arguments for you to decide to study with them.
Find in this special content, information on Software Engineering and programs such as Technology in Software Development.
Undergraduate programs at a technological, professional technical and professional level, face-to-face, semi-face-to-face, distance blended or 100% virtual.
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What is Software Engineering
According to Wikipedia: Software Engineering It is one of the branches of computer science that studies the creation of reliable and quality software, based on engineering methods and techniques. Providing operational and maintenance support, the study of software engineering applications. It integrates computer science and basic science whose origins are in engineering.
University of Santander - UDES
Software engineering
The UDES Software Engineering professional will be recognized for his interest in generating and directing changes that lead to improving productivity in the public and/or private sectors, based on his willingness to constantly update and improve. He is characterized by having the ability to communicate with other fields of knowledge, in order to implement Software solutions to the problems that require it. His professional performance is framed by a solid education, based on ethics, honesty and justice, aware of his commitment to society. He is an ideal professional oriented towards the evaluation, selection and creation of Software, as well as the planning and operation of strategies for the acquisition or improvement of Software technologies.
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EAM University Institution
Software engineering
Efficiency, creation, methods, passion, discipline, capacity for analysis and innovation, are some of the characteristics that describe the software engineers of the EAM University Institution, who make pertinent use of technologies and tools for the development, design, construction and software maintenance in the nation and the world.
Software engineering in the EAM
This is an academic program that contributes to the advancement of innovation, training professionals who are characterized by their teamwork to avoid the software crisis using the best methods, techniques and language to provide quality solutions to the needs of the community and the industry. This is why Software Engineering is one of the professions of the future, since its graduates generate changes through invention and technology.
Applicants to this program are people who are characterized by their interest in improving, an open mind to create, analytical skills, logical thinking, and ability in the area of basic sciences.
Augustinian University - UNIAGUSTINIANA
Technology in Software Development
The Uniagustiniana software development technologist will have a comprehensive, ethical, social and humanistic training, with a broad global perspective, developing skills in planning, design, construction, and implementation of innovative software solutions with quality standards, managing to promote the use and advancement of technology.
Prepare yourself in Technology in Software Development
The Uniagustiniana Software Development Technologist will be ideal for: Programming software in the systems departments of public and private companies, managing databases in different companies, creating custom applications for private and public organizations, developing WEB pages for the promotion of the virtual culture, to maintain the existing software applications in the organizations, to advise companies and to create companies of software providers.
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Manuela Beltran University
Software engineering
The "Software Engineering" Program is an evolution of the "Systems Engineering" program, in which technology was studied comprehensively, including software, hardware, telecommunications, electronics, among others, without delving into any of them. of these components.
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To consolidate this program as one of the most important within the academic offer of the UMB, is to cover a field, in which figures show a deficit of 98.000 software developers, to whom Systems Engineering graduates cannot aim in its entirety, since your specialty is not foreseen from the Software discipline. Hence the need to integrate it as a professional training program with a great differential that deserves a professional title". Hugo Malaver, director of the Software Engineering program at the UMB.
Manuela Beltran University Tweet
Software Engineering at the Manuela Beltrán University
Currently, companies, the state and society are flooded with information, "Software Engineering" solves the multiple problems of information management in an optimal way, through the specialized development of innovative software applications using international standards.
Within its training language, the student will obtain mastery of different disciplines of the program, which will allow full exercise in the development of software in medium and large-scale projects, focused on the creation of technological solutions aimed at the use of data. for the optimal intervention and adaptability of the sector in which it is projected.
Faced with this panorama, the UMB has managed to advance from the academy in personalized learning spaces, in constant training in innovative topics such as: virtual reality, internet of things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, mobile developments, video games, analytics , among others, and in the optimal evolution of information technology to be applied in different areas such as companies, the state, society, health, for example, developing applications that make life easier for people with disabilities or older adults.
The need to integrate this program into the UMB offer is due to the importance of having professionals specialized in software development "Consolidating this program as one of the most important within the UMB academic offer is to cover a field, in which the figures show a deficit of 98.000 software developers, to which Systems Engineering graduates cannot target in their entirety, since their specialty is not foreseen from the Software discipline. Hence the need to integrate it as a professional training program with a great differential that deserves a professional title”. Says Hugo Malaver, director of the Software Engineering program at the UMB.
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To conclude, Software Engineering at the UMB allows its students the possibility of being certified in multiple technologies thanks to different alliances with leading technology companies such as: Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard (hp), ORACLE, among others, of which the UMB is an academy and/or a strategic ally, for which certifications can be obtained that greatly enrich the curriculum and the skills of the students.
Unipanamericana University Foundation
Unipanamerican software engineer
Unipanamerican software engineer
He is a professional who has a high capacity and self-learning which allows him to adapt and learn new technologies in an effective and efficient way. The knowledge acquired through the degree allows you to make use of the best practices suggested by industry and academia to carry out projects that involve the entire software development life cycle.
Unipanamerican software engineer
Development of web, mobile, desktop, video games, multimedia, entertainment and business software applications among others.
As a graduate of the professional program in Software Engineering, you will be able to work in:
- Research and implementation of new technologies and application development platforms.
- Software Architecture.
- Software factories.
- IT departments of any sector.
- Software project management.
- Consulting and advice on software production processes.
Given the current technological advance, the software provides the ability to interact with multimedia, automation, entertainment, productivity, video games and endless fields that provide a very attractive field of professional performance.
John Alexander Cardozo Director of the Software Engineering Program Tweet
During the course, Unipanamericana offers an educational model for preparatory cycles that gives the student the possibility of becoming a Software Development Technician, a Software Design technologist and a Software Engineering professional.