If you are thinking of studying Cinema and Television, in AulaPro the universities tell us their #ReasonsDePeso, why you should decide to study the undergraduate of your dreams.
Leading universities in Colombia offer their arguments for you to decide to study with them.
Find in this special content, information on Cinema and Television and related programs as a Professional Technician in Television Production, Direction and Production of Film and TV.
Technological, professional technical and professional undergraduate programs.
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What is cinema
According to Wikipedia: Cinema (short for cinematographer or cinematography) is the technique and art of creating and projecting footage (as movies were known at the time). The film industry has become a big business in places like Hollywood (California, United States) and Bollywood (Bombay, India).
What is the television
According to Wikipedia: Television is a system for the transmission and reception of images and sound at a distance that simulate movement, which uses a diffusion mechanism. The transmission can be carried out by means of radio waves, by cable television networks, satellite television or IPTV, which exist in open and paid modes. The television is the signal receptor.
central University
See reality with different eyes
The Central University Film Program trains comprehensive professionals for art and the film industry, through a new program created by active filmmakers, in which the student learns about documentary and fiction, acquires knowledge about the elements involved in the construction of the audiovisual story (such as research, creation, script, photography, montage, soundtrack and direction of actors and art), and prepares to participate in the production and marketing in the film industry. cinema.
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The undergraduate degree in Cinema has two lines of study: documentary and fiction. Students must choose one of them from level V. Both have several specificities, which provide our graduates with skills that the new generations of cinematographers should have and that make this academic film program one of the most important in the country.
– Creative production. Our graduates not only have an excellent narrative capacity, in fiction or documentary, but they are also able to make relevant contributions to the profession, thanks to their solid training in markets, tax deductions, national and international film subsidy funds, festivals , co-production systems, calls and rigorous presentation of projects, management, etc.
The film industry has grown exponentially in recent years in our country. The demand for trades in the film industry is driven by the boom in film production supported by private enterprise and the Film Law. In the Central University Film program you can explore that creative potential and at the same time project your entrepreneurial vision to the world. The "creative producer" profiles us as artists within a constantly evolving industry
Alberto Tamayo film director Tweet
Field work. Regardless of the emphasis he has chosen, the unicentric filmmaker can work with urban and rural communities, through the use of research methodologies. This allows him to nurture his sensitivity to our diverse, revealing and conflicting social and cultural reality.
Modular system. The theoretical-practical subjects are taught intensively, covering in three weeks the 48 hours that are traditionally distributed throughout a semester. At each level, a film is made by groups of students who rotate various trades. As the undergraduate progresses, the duration of these productions is longer.
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University Corporation Workshop 5
Professional Technician in Television Production
ISO 9001 Certified Program
Pioneers in Colombia
Pioneers in Colombia in highlighting the importance of Television Production as a means of mass communication and main reference in audiovisual communication in the contemporary world, the Taller Cinco University Corporation offers you the best training in the field of audiovisual production and communication .
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The philosophy of the program is aimed at exalting creativity, innovation and research, committing the student to innovate and generate changes and trends that lead to the constant evolution of this medium to face the television industry not only with a set of technical skills, but also with extensive knowledge of audiovisual production and conceptualization, enabling him to identify communication processes and critically analyze the messages he perceives and produces.
University Corporation Workshop 5 Tweet
As a means of mass communication, Television has been the main reference in audiovisual communication in the contemporary world, generating changes and trends that have led our society to evolve. Aware of this reality, the Television Production program of the Corporación Universitaria Taller Cinco Centro de Diseño, framed from the perspective of modern technology, trains students to perform ideally in the field of digital television and high definition video. .
Pioneers in highlighting the importance of Television Production, emphasis is placed on Visual Communication, to highlight the teaching of the different creative processes of expression and language, using the communication models of the different audiovisual media.
For this purpose, the program has its own studio, with the most modern technology in both cameras and lighting and audio equipment. In addition, with design and effects programs for television image processing.
Augustinian University - UNIAGUSTINIANA
Film and Television
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The Uniagustinian professional has high skills in the design of coherent and diverse audiovisual projects, for this reason he is trained in documentary filmmaking and also in dramaturgy, production and audiovisual production for fiction in various media.
He is competent in the various fields of audiovisual production such as photography, art direction, production and sound. It also develops skills in handling specialized software for digital image composition, which it complements with skills in drawing and animation, audiovisual editing and sound design for audiovisuals.
The Film and Television Direction and Production Program of the Manuela Beltrán University, meets all the requirements in terms of knowledge and disciplines involved in the multidisciplinary process of the scholars and graduates of this program, likewise, their training is provided by the management of technical, artistic, communicative, narrative and production processes, in order to generate skills in the development of multi-platform audiovisual products, to the creation and artistic production in cinema, video, television and new digital technologies.
In this order of ideas, the professional of this program will be profiled as an expert in audiovisual production, generator of artistic strategies, as well as in the development of proposals that, without a doubt, will improve the direction and production of a project, all this from a responsible and committed look towards society. The graduate of Direction and Production of Film and Television, will have a wide range of possibilities at the occupational level, under profiles as a general or field producer in film projects for the big screen, television and the web, in companies specialized in the creation of image, art or electronic image components in large format productions. Filmmakers with the capacity to perform in the positions of general direction, photography, setting, art design, sound, direction of actors and, in addition, is capable of creating and interpreting scripts for all types of audiovisual products with knowledge of image, handling of light and the dramaturgical interpretation of audiovisual stories aimed at satisfying the audiovisual communication demands of the industry in general.
The graduate of Film and Television Direction and Production will have a wide range of possibilities at the occupational level, under profiles as a general or field producer in film projects for the big screen, television and the web.
Manuela Beltran University Tweet
Faced with the dynamics of globalization and the scope of the most recurrent media such as Film and Television, the UMB trains professionals who, in their actions, are capable of responding creatively, artistically and persuasively to audiovisual demand; therefore, the program has high-tech equipment that allows students to approach the new trends in professional productions; That is why, thanks to the multiple practice spaces, students can get closer to the use of modern equipment that facilitates the teaching of the different areas of film production.
Finally, another of the strengths of the Film and TV program, in addition to the creation of fiction stories, documentaries, web series, among others, is the training in animated products, for which they use both analog and digital resources with available equipment that It allows high-quality projects originating from the base with light tables and conventional capture, to the digital scenic elaboration of moving images with software such as ToonBoom, Maya and 3DMax; which are widely used in large productions for Film and Television.
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