We'll cover the fundamental building blocks of After Effects in a way that's useful to all students and enthusiasts, whether you're interested in becoming a full-time motion graphics designer, starting a new hobby, or even providing creative direction to someone else. that operates the program.
After Effects is the leading professional motion graphics and visual effects software. Never used it before? Interested in getting started? With this class, you will learn how to use the program and the core functionality that is important for your work, now or in the future. We will cover the fundamental building blocks of After Effects in a way that is useful to all students and enthusiasts. , whether you're interested in becoming a full-time motion graphics designer, starting a new hobby, or even providing creative direction to someone else who runs the program. As a final project, we will create a lower third, animated banner that rolls over existing footage to show additional information to viewers, such as the speaker's name or location. Ready for After Effects? This class is the one to help you get started! First, we'll cover the essentials of the software, including how to navigate the interface, understand the program's tools and windows, and import footage. Second, we'll learn how to create assets like text, shapes, masks, vector objects, and more to create visual interest and a strong design. Third, we will get those assets moving. This will include key frameworks and an introduction to using expressions to automate simple animation properties. Lastly, we will cover the export of your project. It's important to share your work! What you'll learn by importing and designing assets. Incorporate footage, crop, crop and color correct. Lay out shapes and text using guides. Layer animation. Make your layers move and introduce some basic animations to the properties over time. Text editing. Explore the basics of text layers and animations. Adding ornaments. Combine elements and complete the look of the graphics by adding secondary animations and stylistic effects such as drop shadows, distortions, and glows. Exporter. Take your animations out of the program and explore the settings for potential next steps in your workflow. What you'll do You'll learn how to create a lower third to place over existing footage elements. A lower third is the animated banner that hovers over existing images to show additional information to viewers, such as who is talking, what they are talking about, and where they are. This is a great project for beginning students to get familiar with the software and how basic animations are made. Take your animations out of the program and explore the settings for potential next steps in your workflow. What you'll do You'll learn how to create a lower third to place over existing footage elements. A lower third is the animated banner that hovers over existing images to show additional information to viewers, such as who is talking, what they are talking about, and where they are. This is a great project for beginning students to get familiar with the software and how basic animations are made. Take your animations out of the program and explore the settings for potential next steps in your workflow. What you'll do You'll learn how to create a lower third to place over existing footage elements. A lower third is the animated banner that hovers over existing images to show additional information to viewers, such as who is talking, what they are talking about, and where they are. This is a great project for beginning students to get familiar with the software and how basic animations are made. what they are talking about, they are where they are. This is a great project for beginning students to get familiar with the software and how basic animations are made. what they are talking about, they are where they are.
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Evan Abrams
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