This class focuses on creating your own 100-day project. One that is perfect for you. One that enhances your creativity. One that you wake up excited about. The class also helps you prepare for the 100 days.
This class focuses on creating your own 100-day project. One that is perfect for you. One that enhances your creativity. One that you wake up excited about. The class also helps you prepare for the 100 days. If you're stuck, frustrated, or not achieving the success and quality of work you're looking for, come see what a 100-day project is and how it will spark a creative renaissance in your life. Choosing your project is where we'll spend most of our time, but the class will also cover frequently asked questions, some inspiring projects and ideas, and plenty of tips and advice for starting and completing an amazing 100-day project. The book I wrote in 2021 is out! It's called The Perfect 100 Day Project (just like the name of this class) and it's about helping you choose and complete the Perfect 100 Day Project for you. Get your copy now. Also, check out these similar classes:
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