The perfect creative career doesn't just fall into your lap; Even the most talented and successful creatives put together a plan to ensure their aspirations come true. This is where Holley M. Kholi-Murchison comes in. She knows firsthand that the creative path is winding, and she has spent her career helping creatives and entrepreneurs better understand and articulate their strengths, ideas, and visions so they can achieve their future goals.
Don't leave your dream career to chance! Learn the simple steps to help you achieve your creative goals with artist and cultural geographer Holley M. Kholi-Murchison. The perfect creative career doesn't just fall into your lap; Even the most talented and successful creatives put together a plan to ensure their aspirations come true. This is where Holley M comes in. Kholi-Murchison. She knows firsthand that the creative path is winding, and has spent her career helping creatives and entrepreneurs better understand and articulate their strengths, ideas, and visions so they can achieve their future goals. Now, through meaningful stories from his own life, he shares thoughtful insights and tangible tools that will help you create a clear vision for your own future. With writing exercises and downloadable worksheets, Holley will help you break down your experiences, influences, and strengths so they can become the building blocks of a more meaningful career. In this uplifting class, you will explore exercises that will help you: Look to your past for your strengths Realize the skills you use every day Envision a future where they are embraced and honed Create an action plan to get there Share your vision with a video Any creative, entrepreneur, or multi-hyphenate interested in unpacking their past to unlock their future will find value in this class. While realizing your career aspirations may seem like a daunting or lofty goal, these optimistic and inspiring lessons will make even the wildest dreams within reach! and strengths so that they can become the building blocks of a more meaningful career. In this uplifting class, you will explore exercises that will help you: Look to your past for your strengths Realize the skills you use every day Envision a future where they are embraced and honed Create an action plan to get there Share your vision with a video Any creative, entrepreneur, or multi-hyphenate interested in unpacking their past to unlock their future will find value in this class. While realizing your career aspirations may seem like a daunting or lofty goal, these optimistic and inspiring lessons will make even the wildest dreams within reach! and strengths so that they can become the building blocks of a more meaningful career. In this uplifting class, you will explore exercises that will help you: Look to your past for your strengths Realize the skills you use every day Envision a future where they are embraced and honed Create an action plan to get there Share your vision with a video Any creative, entrepreneur, or multi-hyphenate interested in unpacking their past to unlock their future will find value in this class. While realizing your career aspirations may seem like a daunting or lofty goal, these optimistic and inspiring lessons will make even the wildest dreams within reach! Look to your past to find your strengths. Understand what skills you use day to day. Envision a future where they are adopted and perfected. Create an action plan to get there. Share your vision with a video. As you unpack your past to unlock your future you will find value in this class. While realizing your career aspirations may seem like a daunting or lofty goal, these optimistic and inspiring lessons will make even the wildest dreams within reach! Look to your past to find your strengths. Understand what skills you use day to day. Envision a future where they are adopted and perfected. Create an action plan to get there. Share your vision with a video. As you unpack your past to unlock your future you will find value in this class.
Skillshare has thousands of classes on everything from graphic design to cooking, productivity, filmmaking, content creation, UI/UX design, marketing, crafts, music, social media, entrepreneurship. If it is something creative you can learn it on Skillshare.
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Not only do thousands of creatives around the world find Skillshare classes as the main input to renew and strengthen their skills. Hundreds of agencies and companies trust Skillshare with the training of their collaborators.
Holley M. Kholi-Murchison
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